Grovedale Little Athletics Club is a volunteer run organisation, the Club cannot operate without the assistance of parents each week in fulfilling the many and varied duties required. These include officiating at an event; managing an age group; recording results; to name just a few. Grovedale have a duty roster and we are in charge of a high jump mat, a long jump pit, a discus cage and circulars (races that involve more than 1 lap of the track).

Additional assistance is always required on the Club committee and all parents are encouraged to become involved.

Little Athletics is one of the few sports where parents can become fully involved in their child's sporting interests. Any parents who have current Working with Children Cards can provide a copy to Club or in turn you can apply here as a volunteer through Grovedale.

Parents Charter
As a parent or guardian of a child/ren registered to participate at Springvale Little Athletics Centre, I recognise, accept and commit to the following:

  • My child is always my responsibility.
  • When my child is at Little Athletics, I am responsible for the care of my child/ren in regard to their behaviour, welfare and making decisions about their treatment in the event of an injury.
  • I will ensure that at all times, I will personally be in attendance, or​ I have appointed a responsible adult to act on my behalf in caring for my child/ren.
  • I accept that the adult responsible for the care of my child/ren on competition days need to make a personal contribution to the smooth and efficient running of the program by assisting with a duty.
  • I agree to volunteer for duty as required at the “normal” weekly competition programs.
  • I agree to perform duties as required by the Team Managers at Regional and/or State events in which my child/ren are entered.

Grovedale Uniform 

Grovedale Little Athletes must wear the Grovedale uniform. The uniform is a yellow, black and white top (T-shirt, singlet or crop top) and plain black shorts/briefs (basketball or board shorts not permitted). Uniforms can be purchased from the Grovedale sign-in desk on competition days. 

It is compulsory to wear your patch each week

All club members are supplied with a plastic registration patch with their name and an identifying number and barcode that needs to be worn each week, attached to their singlet with 4 safety pins (which will be provided or available at the Grovedale sign in-desk). Athletes are responsible for wearing the registration patch each week which is used to record results at each event and the barcode is scanned after track events. Lost patches can be replaced for $10 at the competition office.

General expectations

Grovedale Little Athletics Club provides an environment of enjoyment and good sportsmanship for athletes and their families. It is expected that athletes and/or families will abide by the following in order to maintain that positive environment.

  • Use appropriate language (no swearing)
  • Respect the rules and the Officials decisions
  • Positively encourage children’s “efforts” rather than “results”
  • Avoid “forcing” a child to something they really don’t want to d
  • Support your own and other children with an appropriate level of barracking
  • Treat others in the way that you wish to be treated

Parent Information