Little Athletics club
President: Mel Hudson
Vice President: Christian Romanelli
Secretary: Bec Winkler
Treasurer: Matthew Palmieri
Registrar: Bec Winkler/Melissa Hoare
Team Manager: Christian Romanelli
Uniform Coordinator: Uma Richardson
Ordinary Members
Parents and guardians who are included on the registration details become ordinary members of LAVic.
Other volunteers such as guardians or grandparents are required to sign the register of Ordinary Members, available online here and hold a current Working with Children Check prior to undertaking any Club duty.
This is a LAVic requirement for insurance purposes and covers parents, guardians and volunteers while participating in GLAC activities.
Grovedale LAC Committee consists of nominated and elected members.
Meetings will take place in the Wood Pavilion, John Landy Field, unless otherwise advertised*. Reports, Items for the agenda and notices of motion MUST be forwarded to the Secretary by email to at least four days prior to a meeting for inclusion.